
Android Issue Tracker Plugin

Mar 2, 2017

I’ve spent the last few months developing a plugin for Android Studio in my spare time. It is still in its infancy, but with some more improvements I think people could use it even more effectively.

Music composition with Compose and Scala

Mar 15, 2015

I found a nice article a week ago on Hacker News about Compose, a declarative and functional compositional language built using Scala.

Playing with the Myo Armband

Oct 16, 2014

Hi guys, I wanted to share a pretty cool gadget with you. It’s called the Myo Armband, developed by Thalmic Labs.

Automated testing and development in Android Part II

Sep 18, 2014

In my past post a number of months ago, I went over the basics of automating your android testing environment. In this post, I want to expand on that even further.

Automated testing and development in Android

May 22, 2014

Working with the Android ecosystem, you want to have tools to make your development life easier.

Initial commit

May 11, 2014

Hello everyone, this is my first blog post. I spent tonight getting this blog set up, so bare with me. More posts to follow this week…